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An Enneagram Deep Dive

Meet Beomgyu: The Heartfelt and Hilarious Member of TXT

An Enneagram Deep Dive

WEB Beomgyu, the vibrant and lovable member of the K-pop group TXT, embodies the Enneagram Four personality type with a Three wing. Enneagram Fours belong to the heart triad, characterized by their deep emotions, sensitivity, and need for authenticity.

Beomgyu's Fourness

Beomgyu's Enneagram Four traits shine through in his artistic and introspective nature. He has a rich inner world, and his lyrics and compositions often reflect his personal experiences and emotions. His strong desire for self-expression and uniqueness drives his creative pursuits.

The Three Wing's Influence

However, Beomgyu's Three wing adds a pragmatic and ambitious side to his personality. He is not content to merely express himself; he also strives for recognition and success. This wing drives Beomgyu to work hard and set high goals while maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook.

The Real Me

Beomgyu's motto, "I want to keep being who I've been all along—the real me," encapsulates his Enneagram Four and Three traits. He embraces his unique qualities while acknowledging the importance of making a mark on the world. This combination makes him both a heartfelt artist and a determined achiever.
