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Jelly Roll Releases Heartfelt Ballad I Need You

Jelly Roll Releases Heartfelt Ballad 'I Need You'

A Cry for Redemption and Understanding

Acclaimed rapper Jelly Roll has unveiled his soul-stirring new single, "I Need You." The introspective track is a raw and honest expression of vulnerability, as Jelly Roll grapples with the weight of his past mistakes and seeks solace in the arms of a divine presence.

A Call for Forgiveness and Grace

"Father forgive me for I know I have sinned," Jelly Roll sings in the opening lines, acknowledging his shortcomings and longing for redemption. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a man wrestling with guilt and regret, unable to find respite from the torment within.

As the song progresses, Jelly Roll's desperation intensifies. "Close my eyes and I pray cause I feel the skies fallin' on me," he sings, expressing the profound emotional turmoil that engulfs him.

A Desire to Be Understood

"I Need You" is more than just a plea for forgiveness; it's also a heartfelt expression of Jelly Roll's desire to be understood. The rapper has often spoken about his struggles with addiction and mental health, and in this song, he lays bare his innermost vulnerabilities.

Jelly Roll's raw and relatable lyrics have resonated with countless listeners, who have found solace and inspiration in his music. "I Need You" is sure to become another anthem for those seeking redemption, understanding, and a glimmer of hope in the darkness.


